Expert advice and industry best practices

Who Controls the Message?

Chevy claims their recent Chevy Apprentice campaign is a huge success – 21,000 ads were created and the commercials were emailed over 40,000 times –

Working with color

A client’s style guide is our bible when we’re working on motion graphics for a video, a menu for a client’s DVD – just about

Keeping it Simple

By now you’ve probably seen this clip from utube showing how the Apple’s iPod packaging would look if designed by Microsoft. Obviously, the creators of

It’s all in the editing

Editing is easily my favorite part of creating video. Even the most carefully scripted, storyboarded and thought out production can change once an editor gets

What is High-Definition TV?

Q: Hi Chris, My son wants me to get a High-Definition television. What does “High-Definition” mean? My son says it will look a lot better