I was talking to a designer recently about the creative process. Her favorite part of any project is brainstorming. I agree. It’s an opportunity to really think freely and play off each other’s ideas.
We do this often when starting projects. We look at the available materials, the audience, the message and we let the ideas come. It’s incredibly exciting to be in that flow – you come up with an idea, someone else picks up on a little detail and takes it somewhere else, and then someone builds upon that idea. There’s a lot of energy in the room at that moment. And everyone knows when you’ve hit upon an idea that could work.
As an example, a long distance company was looking for a commercial for their calling plan. The plan was called “Triple Play”. We started talking about things that come in threes, which led to “good things come in threes” which led to ideas about poker (three of a kind), which ultimately led us to the idea of a slot machine. The client wanted to promote the idea of big savings. A visual of dollar bills coming out of a slot machine sealed the deal.