You’re the focus of all activity every four years. Candidates, hopefuls, handlers, supporters and press descend upon your college as the nation prepares for the next presidential campaign. How do you capitalize on the opportunity?
You hire Heartwood to capture it all – stand ups by the press, students acting as runners for the networks, candidates prepping for debates – everything that shows the unique opportunity your school offers students ever four years.
We’re used to fast turnarounds – we provided same-day coverage as PSNH restored power after NH’s ice storm, and we’ve provided end-of-day videos for meetings – but this time we provided hourly updates for Saint Anselm College as they prepared for the first Republican presidential debate. The short packages we created allowed those who couldn’t be at the debate to see what was going on. From students standing in for candidates for CNN run-throughs to a communications major chatting with Wolf Blitzer about his future, we created compelling stories to help the college make the most of this event.