Video on the web is often an afterthought. Let me rephrase that – where video is placed on a website is often an afterthought. I’ve seen sites where the video is absolutely buried and difficult to find.
And that’s a shame. Aside from face-to-face communications, video is the most compelling way to tell a story. But if your audience can’t find it, it’s going to waste. Don’t bury your video content, feature it prominently! You have a story to tell, so make sure it’s being heard.
Feature your video on your homepage, or post a prominent link or badge so that people can find your pieces. Even better, build a media library where all of your videos reside. You can still place individual videos throughout the site, but having them “centrally located” makes finding them much easier.
Video makes your website sticky – visitors stay longer. But they have to be able to find it first.