Q: Hi Chris, My son wants me to get a High-Definition television. What does “High-Definition” mean? My son says it will look a lot better than our current TV. What do you think? Thanks, Naomie
A: Hi Naomie,
Your son is right. A High-Definition television (HDTV) has much better image quality than existing televisions. In fact, people have described the difference between HDTV and traditional TV as being akin to the difference between black-and-white and color televisions. Here’s why:
1. HD televisions have double or triple the number of picture lines seen on traditional televisions. The result is amazingly sharp and clear image quality.
2. HD televisions have a screen the same shape as a 16:9 movie-theater screen (16 units wide and 9 units high). The wider screen shape takes advantage of the human eye’s natural ability to see images wider than a traditional television, which displays images which are 4:3 (4 units wide and 3 units high).
3. HD televisions have CD quality sound, a big improvement over analog sound found in traditional televisions.
HD television is not yet widespread, but more and more programs are being made and broadcast in HD every day. Most of the people in our industry agree that it is only a matter of time before traditional televisions go the way of black-and-white televisions.
Today, in our business, the use of HD video is most common with companies that want to use HD video to make a big impact, often at a tradeshow or conference.
agree with the previous comments, however to experience an HDTV fully you need some HD content. The number of channels you can get today is rather limited and you have to pay extra.
Actually HDTV’s look excellent, but you need to know the limitions first.
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