
I was talking to a designer recently about the creative process. Her favorite part of any project is brainstorming. I agree. It’s an opportunity to really think freely and play off each other’s ideas. We… Brainstorming

A Picture is worth…

It’s remarkable how often people misunderstand what we’re trying to say. You’d think we’re speaking entirely different languages, there’s so much miscommunication. In our business, pictures really tell the story. And communicating your idea with… A Picture is worth…

Working with color

A client’s style guide is our bible when we’re working on motion graphics for a video, a menu for a client’s DVD – just about anything to do with design. But what if they don’t… Working with color

Keeping it Simple

By now you’ve probably seen this clip from utube showing how the Apple’s iPod packaging would look if designed by Microsoft. Obviously, the creators of this video had some fun at Microsoft’s expense. Garr Reynolds… Keeping it Simple